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Stromboli: Ideas and useful information

Stromboli: Ideas and useful information

If you follow me on social networks, you will already know that these days, I am enjoying the sea in Stromboli. Tomorrow will be the last full day that I will spend on the island, before moving to Salina. Even if I usually wait to go back home before writing on the blog, this time I decided to share with you the first ideas I made about the island, along with some useful information, before returning back home.
-> One of the first things I noticed is the absence of baskets. In fact, there is a lot of rubbish around, especially empty bottles left a bit ‘everywhere (except in the chicest areas). This does not allow us to create a good impression of the island;
-> The houses remind me a lot of those of different Greek islands, all white with blue – blue fixtures. I liked this: I am not referring to the resemblance with the Greek islands, as to the beauty that this choice of colours gives to the whole island of Stromboli;
-> You can get almost anywhere on foot, without having to use any means of locomotion. This is undoubtedly a plus for this volcanic islet;
-> The inhabitants are all always very courteous and polite, and all (or almost) those who meet greet happily and politely. This is something that, often, around Italy has been lost over time: cross people who welcome you with a smile without asking you anything but a greeting back and without expecting anything back.
-> Around I only saw mopeds, apecars and electric cars like those found around the golf courses. This makes Stromboli less chaotic and more livable than those cities/islands full of vehicles that, in addition to polluting, bring only so much chaos and noise. The same taxis are electric cars that almost do not make noise (and at first sight, I almost had not noticed that it was a taxi!);
-> There is almost always a fresh breeze that makes staying on the beach more bearable and, more generally, under the sun. It is a beauty!
-> The beaches are of black pebbles and sand, of volcanic origin. This makes the Stromboli beaches very special, but also much warmer than the “normal” because the heat that the sand holds is greater;
-> The discovery of this trip was that in Stromboli there is no public lighting along the roads! They told me so, but as long as I did not see it with my own eyes, I did not believe it, I thought it was one of the usual Italian exaggerations. When it is dark, some stretches of road are illuminated thanks to the light of private houses and premises such as restaurants and bars open until late in the evening;
-> Water from taps is not drinkable. Try to always have with you a bottle of water bought at the food store so as not to risk ruining your holiday for something “stupid”;
-> As for excursions, there are various types offered by multiple agencies. To be evaluated is not only the price, of course, but also what they offer you. For excursions on the volcano, someone offers overnight trips at 750 meters above sea level and others only the climb to the crater and back in the day. For excursions around the island changes the type of boat used: think about what they are offering to you before you buy your excursion! (for a tour of the island of 2 hours and a half with a small boat I paid a ticket 20 euros);
-> If you suffer from seasickness always keep in mind that the afternoon always rises a bit ‘of wind and then the currents change and the sea begins to be less calm: then evaluate the possibility of making a boat excursion in the morning (usually from 10:30 to 13 approximately) having breakfast early and going to the beach only in the afternoon

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