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London outside the zone 1: what to see and what to do

London outside the zone 1: what to see and what to do

We all know the center of London (zone 1), since there are all the attractions, museums and the most famous monuments. But what about things to do and see in London outside the zone 1? Today I will tell you about some of of these places over the central London: because yes, there is something even beyond the zone 1!
Holland Park: Kyoto gardenLet’s begin with Holland Park, located at the border between zone 1 and zone 2, close to Kensington Palace (zone 1). This park is definitely very nice and in the first part it looks more like a very nice grove more than a park. I decided to come to Holland Park to visit the Kyoto Garden, about which I had heard very positive opinions and of which I had seen some very beautiful pictures
A small Japanese-style garden, always perfectly clean (I saw at least two or three workers pruning) and with a charming atmosphere: it was the perfect stopover to exit from the chaotic streets of London.
We still move away from the zone 1, arriving at the London Thames Barrier. It’s a Thames flow control structure built between 1974 and 1984
Le chiuse del Tamigi in Woolwich Reach, in the southernmost area of London (the buildings around are all newly built skyscrapers). It was used for the first time in 1983 and, by size, it’s second only to the one in Maeslantkering in the Netherlands. It would be perfect to visit during a day with blue sky and the sun to warm you, but it’s definitely beautiful also on a cloudy day. There is also an information center (1 Unity Way, Woolwich). Angoli di Canary Warf
Not very far from here, few minutes away by DLR, there is the Docklands area: an area that deserves to be seen and experienced outside the chaos of the center. In particular I want to take you between Canary Wharf and West India Quay (pronounced “west india key”): Two very nearby areas, where there is an alternation of high-rise buildings, canals and former warehouses for goods now used for other purposes.
I initially had thought to just go to Canary warf, because I had never seen the area and fascinate me parts of London with basins and canals still visible. Canary Wharf is an area of endless skyscrapers, “ancient” and modern, where there are shops and offices. The central square, with a beautiful fountain, is an oasis of peace in a busy city like London and, in fact, there are many people sitting here to eat and chat. To go in the docks area I think I have the wrong direction and we find ourselves in West India Quay (“key”) and I must admit it was a perfectly timed error.
La zona di West India QuayIt is a pedestrian area very quiet, where you can walk in peace among the “apecar” which now sell (street) food, old warehouses now converted in restaurants or gyms and many people, couples and families who stroll here to spend some time. In this pedestrian zone is located the Museum of London Docklands. As in many London museums, the admission is free and visitors are asked to leave a donation (however optional and you are not forced to leave it). It is a museum which is spread over three floors and recounts the evolution of London as a river port. The visit starts from the third floor down and going with calmness and tranquility, it takes about two hours. I recommend you a visit to understand how London has developed over time! (I think that you will like it)
What have you visited outside the area one? What would you recommend to see? What would you like to see that you have not seen?
Museum of London Docklands

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