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Posta Fibreno’s lake – Surroundings of Rome

Posta Fibreno’s lake – Surroundings of Rome

Do you know the lake of Posta Fibreno, one hour and a half driving from Rome? Today I will take you to discover this beautiful lake, within the homonymous nature reserve.
Vista del lago We left the car not far from the Lago Chiaro Chalet (Via S. Venditto 24, 03030 Carpello FR), where for 23 euros we eat an appetiser (in two) and two pasta dishes. The lake immediately shows its extraordinary beauty and the unusual colours of its water. We started for the walkway that runs around the lake just after eating, and at every corner, there is a glimpse, an animal or a noise that attracts our attention and curiosity.
La splendida acqua del lago We walk practically alone, apart from a grandfather with his granddaughter, and it’s almost impossible to avoid to notice all the boats and fishing gear sunk and abandoned to their fate (now, they are in harmony with the lake floor making the particular and partly surreal environment). You can walk alongside the lake thanks to a walkway-driveway that makes it practically around and from which you can see all the wooden houses that serve as fixed locations for photographers and birdwatchers in general.
Nutria in cerca di cibo At the level of fauna, the Posta Fibreno lake is a place that offers a lot, especially at the level of birds. But if you pay attention you can also do other meetings: for example small nutria looking for something to eat. Why come up here? To spend a day of relaxation and tranquillity surrounded by nature, away from the chaos of the city and the days of work.
Primi scorci del lago If you are passionate about photography, it could also become a place from which you will be able to come away with several exciting shots. During the holiday season, such as Easter and Christmas, it seems to be crowded: I recommend it during the weekends, days when the crowd is still present, but the lake is still livable without being retreated in a mass of people crowding this special place.

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