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Brussels: a trip to Waterloo

Brussels: a trip to Waterloo

We all know the story that links these fields in Waterloo to Napoleon.
Memoriale: ricostruzione storica We all have studied them a lot of times over the years of the school. Since we were in Brussels and Waterloo is very close, we decided to use the last afternoon at our disposal to get right up to the fields of this historic battle. From Brussels we took the “W” bus from the Gare du Midi (ticket 3.20 euros), the journey takes a little over an hour to the Route de Nivelles stop from where you walk 5 minutes on foot, and you arrive at the ticket office (inside the memorial). There are two tickets you can choose from:
"primo incontro" con i campi di battaglia the first ticket costs 19 euros and includes the memorial, the “Lion Hill”, which allows you to have a general overview of the battlefields, Hougoumont and two museums (that of Wellington in Waterloo country and another one 4 kilometres from the fields );
the second ticket, which costs € 16, includes the memorial, the lion’s hill and Hougoumont, the headquarters of Napoleon; we have opted for the second.
We began our visit from the Memorial where there are the uniforms and information about the armies and a short 3D film (duration: 15 minutes), which tells the last hours of the battle of Waterloo is projected.
[the doors are automatic and open only when the next group can enter. For the 3D glasses will come to distribute a boy a few moments before the opening of the doors] Exit the memorial we faced the stairs to get to the top of the lion’s hill. I need to tell you how much it struck me to look at the fields from up there or just the photo to explain it?
I campi di battaglia
From there, we waited for the bus that covers the journey from “below” the hill to Hougoumont (keep the ticket you got at the ticket office to show it to the driver, both on the way and on the road back). This is the headquarters of Napoleon, where the clashes were decidedly bloody. You can visit the farm (where there are, in the undamaged part, private houses) and, before leaving, you can see a reconstruction (very well done) of the clashes that took place right around the farm to take possession of the same . Enjoy the show, because you will be surprised (especially for the mobile sets).
This is what you can find coming up here. Little stuff, do you say? Perhaps as regards the material things to be seen, but not for the history that these “few” things bring back to life for visitors – spectators. I recommend you take a ride. I leave you some pictures and I hope that sooner or later you too can visit this place that wrote a part of the History.

I campi di battaglia

La fattoria, sede operativa di Napoleone

La fattoria, sede operativa di Napoleone

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